I was nominated for The Liebster Award!!
So! My lovely friend Charlotte over at wonderfullybookish.wordpress.com nominated me for the The Liebster Award which I am super gratesful for! Charlotte's blog is awsome for any book lover and you should definately check her out!
The project rules are:
These are the rules:
- Thank the nominator
- Display the award
- Answer the questions
- Nominate five more bloggers with the same questions or different ones.
- Notify your nominees.
The Questions Charlotte gave me are:
1. Have any book characters ever appeared in any of your dreams? If so, tell us what happened?
Not that I can remember, although I'm sure when I was younger I spent my dreams choosing between Twilight's Edward and Jacob, I used to be a huge Twihard fan! Other than that not that I can remember...
2. Which book characters would you like to be your siblings?
Okay this is a toss up between two and I refuse to choose! Definitly either Luna Lovegood or Cath from Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl. I think either of those girls would be super great big sisters and having Levi around would be fabulous bonus!
3. Make a book you love sound incredibly boring by describing it as vaguely as you can.
A boy used to live under some stairs, but then moves to bording school.
4. If you could possess the talent or skill that a book character has, what would it be?
Definitly Cath's creativity from fangirl!
5. Which books do you wish you could forget completely, so you could experience reading them all over again?
The Harry Potter series 100%!!
6. Do you prefer hardbacks or paperbacks?
Paperbacks for sure!!
7. If you could cast an actor as a book character, who would you cast? (Cast an entire book if you have the time!)
Seen as I've mentioned it so much I'll go with Fangirl! So this is kinda cheating but there is no one more perfect for Levi and Cath/Wren then Mary-Kate Wills and Dever Milord!! check them out in I Didn't Write This - Ep. 6: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell -By Yulin Kuang (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZIocgXdGrw) Mary Kate is perfect as Cath showing her super nerdy side and having seen her as Lydia in the Lizzie Bennet shows she could Totally nail Wren too.
Reagan would be the super sassy Kat Dennings.
Arthur Avery would be Ewan Mecgregor and for my last casting is Nick Cath's writing partner and I would cast Pretty Little Liars Keegan Allen.
8. Is there an author that you like to read everything they ever write?
Giovanna Fletcher - I cant wait to read her new one.
9. Is there an author who no longer writes or who is no longer alive that you wish they could write another book?
Probably a cliche english student answer but shakespeare!
10. Can you think of a film adaptation that perfectly matched the original book?
Whilst I can fully agree there is no perfect adaptation I'd say The Perks of being a Wallflower gets it pretty close.
11. Is there a book that you started but never finished? Why didn’t you finish it?
Why We Broke Up Novel by Daniel Handle, I just never got round to Finishing it...
And thaaaats all folks!!
Thanks to Charlotte for Nominating me,
1: http://sugarquills.co.uk/
2: http://beckvalleybooks.blogspot.co.uk/
3: http://tintanocturna.blogspot.co.uk/
and your questions are...
1. Do you have an all time fave book series?
2. Have you ever read a book where you would change the ending? if so how would you change it.
3. if you could cast yourself as a book character who would you be?
4. Worst Book to Movie Adaptation?
5. Do you prefer hardbacks or paperbacks?
6. Ever qued at midnight for a book?
7. Is there an author that you like to read everything they ever write?
8. Which book characters would you like to be your siblings?
9. Make a book you love sound incredibly boring by describing it as vaguely as you can.
10. And Finally what is your all time favourite book?